Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Road Map to Peace Essay Example for Free

Road Map to Peace Essay Abstract The main aim of this paper is to focus on the current developments on the peace process in the Israel-Palestinian Conflicts.   This paper also provides some critical insights on the initiatives done by international organizations like the United Nations in dealing with the conflict. Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Peace and security is one common measurement of political stability in any country.   This is because developments through economic and international relationship always start with peace and security.   For any country these days security is indeed one of the most important factors in the government.    Actually, there are many ways and means on how to achieve it, first the government should established a strong military forces, secondly, the country must have a strong relationship with international agencies and they must respect it.   One very powerful organization is the United Nations.   Organization like the UN does not only assist the country in providing some clear guidelines but also they are also there to impose military support if needed. And for them, it is always for the good of many and the entire world is what they are always aiming for in every policies or treaties they amend or newly create like in this paper, the Israel-Palestinian conflict has been there more than the Iraq takeover has started, and as based on studies it has been there for more than a century now.   But this conflict continues to provide some security issues in the world and most specially the region around it, particularly Europe and the Middle East.   If this continues, more and more lives will continue to perish and these would create imbalance in our global economy which will lead to issues like isolations, lack of opportunities, poverty and a lot more.   In this paper it will focus mainly of the current status of the conflict between Israel and Palestine.   Knowing what are the latest initiatives and actions that the UN and other allied forces and the US is doing to help at least reduce the tension and move to economic development s and peace for the countries. Israel-Palestinian Conflict – How does it Originated?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The Israel-Palestinian conflict has all started in the 19th century, when the Zionist Jews planned to establish a new and modern state in the ancient land of Israel, which for them it is rightfully won by them.   Then the Zionist empire has started to encourage many of its followers to starts to encourage its people to migrate in this land even though they were not still given the full rights of the land.   Then after the first World War, the United Kingdom gas given the rights to own the land and with the Union of Nation which now popularly known as the United Nation, they have approved to divide the land into two, one for the Jews and the other for the Arabs.   But the Arab league and communities would not agree with the agreement and has fought war, which eventually has invaded Israel.   Then by 1948, the Arab-Israel war had exploded as the Israel re-claims its own territory but leaving Jerusalem as a divided city.   But this revolt has become the final measuring stick for the Arab Region of not recognizing Israel instead they have pursued on supporting the Palestinian government. That was some of the main key historical situation in that time that triggers the lack of respect and finding for peace between the Arab adopted Palestinian and Israel government.   With the very deep meaning from each of this country that goes on for more than a century now, it has been a very difficult for both developed countries and international organizations to make both of these countries look for peace and pursue on economic development.   As one of the latest story that were reported in the UN news center, with its current UN Security Council head Ban Ki-Moon, that he calls for end in the Palestinian and Israeli war, as it already killed many lives and will continue to grown on numbers if they will not look into preserving the lives of its own people most specially the young generations who are hopeless.   The Security Council head has also stated that there are still on-going peace treaties that needs to be followed and that will still be applied. This Humanitarian treaty has been there but the problem is that both governments are not respecting it.   This is just a clear showing that even a well respected international organization like the United Nations has already imposed this sanction for the respect and preservation of the lives of the affected families that caught by cross fire between these countries are not enough to prevent them from pursuing their ideology.   With this the council will be expected to visit both countries to further re-iterate and re-establish its global power over these countries and have them respect the Humanitarian Policy of the United nation.   Religious organizations will also be involved in addressing the conflict in order to have one common vision and that is all for peace in both countries.   With the clear guidelines that will be set to re-instated for both governments, the council is very confident that it will at least reduce the conflict.   (Ban Ki-moon calls for end to Palesti nian attacks, restraint by Israeli forces, 2008). The UN Humanitarian Policy   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The main objective of the United Nations, Humanitarian Policy is mainly protecting the victim of war and law governing the conduct of hostilities, which started from 1856 up to the present.   The following are the State parties or countries expected to strictly apply the following International Humanitarian Law and Other related Treaties as of June 2008.   (1) Treaty relating to the Protection of Victims of Armed Conflicts, which is well applied to Israel and Palestinian government, (2) Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, (3) Weapons treaties and last is (4) Environment.   For treaties relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts, the following treaties are applied: Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field Geneva, 12 August 1949 Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick in and Shipwrecked members of Armed Forces at Sea Geneva, 12 August 1949 Convention (I) Relative to the Treatment of prisoners of War Geneva, 12 August 1949 Convention (I) Relative to the Treatment of Civilian Person in the Time of War   Geneva, 12 August 1949 These are just some of the most relevant treaties in the International Humanitarian law that the United Nations is applying to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.   These treaties may be so powerful indeed for almost any countries that need to follow, most specially those that are afflicted by war like Israel and Palentine.   But, the only problem is that, just like in local or some international policies, it is not well implemented and even the military forces not also following it.   Some of the main reasons are lack of information being disseminated to the countries and their government.   Second, lack of formal launching and imposing of the law that should have to be formally deal into by affected countries in order for them to know their limitations as well as main obligations.   The organization must have the desire of making it happen by not only imposing by only writing or just amending the law, policies or treaties. There should be constant follow-ups and negotiation in between these times of conflicts which is the main cause of the problem.   This will not also be a big help for the organization in easing up the load since it just keeps on adding and unloading this issues may also give the council and the entire organization more focus to other issues which are actually same as important as this one, like the global economy and health.   This also need to give a more focus by the organization and these should also be given relevant theories as well.   So for the Security Council, it needs to be aggressive and work its own way within the situation and always find better ways as to how these conflicting government arrived to a common goal of peace and prosperity to its respective countries.   (The ICRC, n.d.). Lost Prospective on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   It is very important that more and more international involvement and strengthening of position by the United Nation and all its members to help one another in resolving the conflict.   Many countries considers that it is better not to be involved as political issues may only start to affect their local government or sometimes countries would consider that they might only be seen as a follower or supporter for the conflict on hand.   But, in fact there are many ways that countries with the United nation can do in order to settle this conflict.   By only encouraging the Arab Region of reconciliation with Israel and making a promise to support its economy will end the problem.   Or maybe involving the countries of giving both countries the chance by allowing them to enter into business in to the other countries will be the answer as well.   But, it is not that easy, like for the Europeans they have the European Union that even befo re where its main objective is to protect its economic status and be able to work in isolation.   Or in the US, which even though they are one of the most well considered a free country, strictness in security policy automatically rejects bilateral agreement to some but making it all available to those that are from them would not only give them good economic growth but also security for its people.   This is the main issue that is needed to be address by the UN. A commitment that any member must look into more of a long-term peace and security that will not improved the economy but can give more and more opportunity for many people, most specially these afflicted countries that is being studied in this paper.   For countries, that opportunity runs only within their state is a clear as isolating them and making them work in their own.   Same as dishonoring a brother which has been a good one before but due to challenges it turns to be not the ideal one, but time goes by and the brother goes back at home and asking for acceptance.   Acceptance that will change his lives and not anymore go into the dark side and preventing everything he can not to go back from that dark part of his life.   But in the case of the conflict between Israel and Palestinian, recognizing them or telling them that it is ok and not actually performing it in true sense is mush harder to take.   This is the situation that is happening all over the world. There are many leaders that assume that everything is running well, due to the fact that they would understand that their organization is powerful and these countries will follow.   But, it is not, the lives that is wasted and the more and more generations that are not anymore preserved in the future, just add more killings and hatred and this should be the focus on how not only to call for peace but also a true acceptance for its by acting on it the real way is needed.   The United Nations and the Developed countries should be in the forefront of this plan to be able to show how true leadership and finding of true peace must be done.   Like for instance for Israel government preventing mobility by the Palestinian is one seen to be one of the causes that triggers conflicts.   As long as a country like Israel outs on roadblocks instead of giving them liberty in doing what they want is enough to help peace to go on.   Trusting is something that needs to give and should not ha ve any limitations. And these roadblocks also leaves Palestinian government but to retaliate and do what the government finds it necessary and the result bloodshed everywhere and at the end the final loser are the people and not the ideology that either of the country is pursuing.   There are also other conflicting ideas, like the expansion of settlement but certain preventive measures were implemented like putting some fences within the land that were not yet settled as to whom it may be owned is something that the UN and the local government continues to see and observed but no concrete humanitarian settlement are happening.   This will not end the conflict and the promise for peace will just be a dream and will never be realized unless there will be an aggressive act for the parties in achieving it. This is considered a lost perspective for the Israel-Palestinian Peace and prosperity initiative, thinking of the lives of the children, like their education, their social well being and the chance to live the life that they deserve more than all of us here in this world is something that affects the heart deep into our veins.   This is something that the United nations and its member nations should look at, as children may only be sleeping at night but at the next day, not even having given the chance to breath even a fresh air to lived as these children were merciful not to perished but still succumb to the wild and very selfish mind of its leaders that does not think of getting more in to loving to let peace reign over them.   (Ben-Meir, Alon, 2006). Israel-Palestinian Conflict’s Current Situation and Initiatives   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As to look at the current situation on this conflict, there are still many talks and initiatives in addressing this issue into the next level.   But even the government and the international group would also find it hard as support and collaborations among them are needed in order to effectively address the issue well.   It was in Jerusalem were supposed to be settlement of the conflict must be conducted, as the Israeli legislators withdrew and leaves the coalition with 67 parliament hundred twenty seats.   This was initiated as it was reported that Israeli forces killed 3 new Palestinian people and what was very devastating for the Palestinian is that one that was killed is a young boy.   Then later it was retaliation for Palestinian forces as it also killed 2 military armed men.   With this settlement it was supposed to work on for the present new year to at least set the issue straight again and form a more detailed plan on ho w the countries can resolved the issue.    But, since Israel has withdrawn its support for this undertaking, it only shows that with their option of doing that, it creates some news that it was the Israel government that are more not focus on the peace treaty and instead it continues to follows its own government direction.   This was also a sign that the country is also finding more reason to operate its military forces and in order not to be out in the hit seat as that meeting will also send some United Nation’s Security Council member to facilitate the talks. Leaving the talks is really hindrance in achieving peace.   This continuously becoming a trend for most peace signing agreement in the world now, as countries should not be attending the said meeting and then follow its own directives on how they can work their way and do not want to be dictated.   Another consideration for most countries is that, they can easily pinpoint that most developed countries are just that opportunist to be involved, because with that they can easily work their business within the country.   This is not the way it goes; it is just a starting point to control tragic results of continued conflicts and not letting other countries to sort of involve because of its own personal intentions.   (Kershner, Isabel, 2008). On-Going Financial Aid for the Conflict on Hand   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As the Palestinian government is the one that is much affected and not Israel, President Abbas is continuously asking for financial aid for some international organization.   This time, he seeks for a double than the same amount that was usually asked for.   This aid will be used from 2008 to 2010 and the amount is 5.8 billion dollars.   This aid will be expected as usual to rich and well developed countries in Europe and in the US.   This will be used for infrastructure projects, but much of the amount will be used for payment for public employees and improving the government system of Palestine.   This is very important in the sense that the government is trying to let conflict go behind them and pursue on developing the economy of the country. These are one of the main agenda of Abbas as he let this conflict behind and call fro change.   This is welcomed by many of his supporters as they are facing a tremendous economic downturn and they need bug support in this situation.   He also considers that the government must look on international trade and enhancing the agricultural business and improving its industrial sector.   But this cannot be sustained or not possible without the support of its local people. That is why the biggest part of the aid, will be allocated to wages of the public employees who will be working in achieving his goal of economic reform.   This was a nice moved for the president since it was almost many times in the past that the government has been focusing on hoe to strengthen its military forces but in fact what is important is the food in the tables of its people and bullets will definitely cannot give that for them.   This time the focus is more on the future and long-term plan for development and progress and it will start after the aid will come into their hands and they count mostly European countries to provide them that needed money.   (The Associated Press, 2007). Future Direction and Goal for Israel and Palestinian Government   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With the United States, both the Palestinian and Israel government has committed to pursue on the peace treaty by the end of 2008.   It was attended by country representatives, most specially the Security Council that is very appreciative about these developments.   Both countries have committed that for the present they have committed themselves to continue developing its economy and would try their best to leave their arms for the sake of its people.   This was also a good moved as the United States also promised that they will always behind in all the development and needed support just in case.   This was one of the best days for the conflict to little bit moved for progress.   Most specially for the Palestinian government where it needs to improved its economic status. This was also a good time for both of the countries since they were given itself an open opportunity to open up its economy with other countries who are also as excited to work with them in improving its own economy as well, like most if its are the developing countries of the world.   This has given both the Israel and Palestinian government a time to look for the much better attention of protecting its lives not by bullets or war but by providing them what their people truly deserve and that is food in their table and opportunity that they have longed for a number of years now.   This is the main key for this agreement signing of having to re-visit the peace agreement.   If this works continues, again there is no question that this will create big impact not only to the global economy but also political sector.   (Myers, S. Lee Cooper, Helene, 2007). Conclusion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In this paper it was very clear that the current Israel-Palestinian conflict continues to move for greater peace.   With their focus on economic progress and improved bilateral relationship,, it will be no doubt that if this continues, the longest day of conflict may come to an end.   In this paper it also showed that there are also some problems that were instigated by both parties that affects the International Humanitarian Law of the United Nation which was the main policy used by the Security Council in order for this conflict be settled.   This paper also provides an importance to political stability to succeed not only in business or economy but also for peace and security.   Also this cannot materialize by just performing local policies and initiatives, the involvement of an international organization and the support of other countries is still needed just trust and respect is needed for it to happen. References â€Å"Ban Ki-moon calls for end to Palestinian attacks, restraint by Israeli forces.† UN News Center. 17 January 2008 Ben-Meir, Alon. â€Å"Lost Perspective in the Israel-Palestinian Conflict.† The Humanist, Vol. 66 January-February 2006. Goodwin, Jason. â€Å"The Pragmatic Caliphs.† The New York Times 06 January 2008 Kershner, Isabel. â€Å"Hard Line Legislator Quits Israel Coalition Over Talks.† The New York Times 17 January 2008 Myers, S. Lee Cooper, Helene. â€Å"Israel and Palestinians Set Goal of a Treaty in 2008.† The New York Times 28 November 2007 â€Å"SPECIAL SESSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL ON ISRAELI MILITARY INCURSIONS IN NORTHERN GAZA OPENS.† United Nations Office At Geneva. 15 November 2006 The Associated Press. â€Å"Abbas to Seek Almost Twice as Much Aid From Abroad.† The New York Times 06 December 2007 â€Å"The ICRC: promoter and guardian of International Humanitarian Law (IHL).† ICRC. N.d. Worth, Robert. â€Å"Al Jazeera No Longer Nips at Saudis.† The New York Times 04 January 2008

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sweeteners :: essays research papers fc

Sweeteners Saccharin is an organic petroleum-based compound that is three to five hundred times sweeter than sucrose. It is non-nutritive because the human body is unable to metabolize the foreign chemical. Saccharin does not contribute calories; for this reason it is commonly used in diet foods. "The obese [feel] that saccharin is their lifeline to slimdom, and diabetics [claim] it is essential to control their blood sugar" (Brody 482). The same people who consume saccharin certainly would not knowingly eat something that is classified as toxic waste; however, they do it on a daily basis. Saccharin's alias is EPA Hazardous Waste number U202. In fact, workers who handle saccharin are cautioned, "EXERCISE DUE CARE. AVOID CONTACT WITH EYES, SKIN, CLOTHING. WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER HANDLING. IF SWALLOWED, IF CONCIOUS, IMMEDIATELY INDUCE VOMITING" (MSDS). Saccharin has always been surrounded by controversy. As early as 1907, the public was concerned over its safety and proposed banning it. Theodore Roosevelt, a diabetic, fought the idea. He said, "My doctor gives it to me every day...Anybody who says saccharin is injurious to health is an idiot"(Corcoran 12). Saccharin survived the onslaught for another forty years. It wasn't until the bittersweet chemical hit the mainstream consumer market in such things as diet sodas, pharmaceuticals, and chewing gum that it came under fire again. Scientists suggested that saccharin might be a carcinogen in 1951. In 1958, however, saccharin was added to the GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) list, another paradox. In 1972, the results of a long-term study showed that rats fed saccharin had developed bladder tumors. Subsequently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) removed saccharin from GRAS status and issued a regulation limiting the use of saccharin in foods. Then in 1974, a National Academy of Science review found that, "Saccharin itself could not be identified as the cause of the tumors because of possible impurities as well as problems with experimental design and procedures" (Kennedy 131). Therefore, the FDA decided not to ban saccharin until they received the results of a study being conducted in Canada. In March 1977, the Canadian study showed that feeding large doses of saccharin to pregnant rats and their weanlings produced bladder cancers in the male offspring. The Canadians immediately banned saccharin. When the FDA announced its intentions to follow suit, public outcry led to a Congressionally voted eighteen-month moratorium. The American people wanted more time to evaluate the results of the study. Shortly thereafter, Congress enacted the Saccharin Study and Labeling Act, which stayed the FDA's hand temporarily and ordered a warning label on all saccharin products: "Use of this product may be hazardous to your health.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Outline the Importance of the Land Rights Movement, Specifically Referring to the Wik Decision, Mabo Judgement and the Native Title.

Outline the importance of the following for the land rights movement Native Title Mabo Wik Evidently, the land rights movement involves the ideas of the Wik, Mabo decision, as well as the Native Title. Aboriginal people are able to rebuild connections with their spirituality, through the land. Aspects of Indigenous Aboriginal spirituality such as ancestral spirit beings, totems, sacred duties and rituals are held within the land. Native title refers to individual or communal, rights or interests of Aboriginal people or Torres Strait Islanders in relation to waters or land. This form of land title was considered to be of great significance to Aboriginal people because it allowed them to gain social and economic independence, and was a huge leap in their journey of self determination. It aimed to assist the establishment of native title by organising the Mabo decision. In the end, Aboriginal people want to own their sacred sites, and this can only be achieved through the Native Title. Eddie Mabo was an Indigenous Aboriginal man who established the Mabo decision of June 1992. This decision provided the recognition that Australia was under British settlement in 1788, hence going completely against the concept of Terra Nullius. It was this dramatic result, which contributed towards the establishment of the Native Title. Native Title became part of the known laws of Australia, which meant that Mabo’s observance provided all Aboriginal people with justice and equality. The Wik decision expresses the notion that native, leasehold and some other types of land titles can successfully co exist. This means that there is great degree of fairness within this decision, as both the Aboriginals and the Australian government is pleased.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Case Study Nissan s Operation Management - 1514 Words

After the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan, Nissan was able to recover faster than other leading automobile manufactures, such as Toyota and Honda. Nissan was able to recover so quickly because the company had a crisis plan already in place, which involved international connections, relationships and deals with suppliers. In this essay, Nissan’s operation management functions will be discussed, in addition to the critical path method (CPM) and the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and how these methods can be fused with the company’s project management. Nissan uses many operation management functions in their business, which includes: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling (Heizer, 3, 4). Nissan’s main operation management function is producing automobiles. The automobile industry is very competitive, so it takes more than just then producing automobiles to be considered a successful corporation. Nissan has shown that it understands the need to continually adjust the design of its auto line, to stay in synch with technology. Furthermore, when a catastrophic event happens, such as the 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan, Nissan had pre-planned how it would handle the devastation, while avoiding severe economic losses. Nissan’s recovery plan began with their decentralized supply chain structure. Nissan instilled an organized system of a centralized supply chain, which allowed them to maintain centralized control of theirShow MoreRelatedToyota s Quick Thinking Operations Management Essay824 Words   |  4 PagesManaging Operations In March of 2011, northeastern Japan was struck by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded. The magnitude 9 quake (Oskin, 2015) triggered a devastating tsunami, killing thousands, damaging the country’s infrastructure and paralyzing all private, public, and government entities. 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